So yeah, I live in Montreal now, hey? Dunno if I mentioned that.
I felt lonely and romantic and wistful tonight so I found a bike path that follows the train tracks (I'm on the wrong side, which is the right side) and ran that fucker till it ended. Taking careful stock of every mangled portal and potential portage through the fence 'cause ya know I'm in love with the downtown girls, and that is the great divide. I am one sorry turd right now, sorry. When the path ended I did chinups on the bar overhanging the last hole in the last fence, and looked for further passage, but there was nothing but black and fence you can't fuck with and even the across was boxcars from horizon to horizon which obstructed my view of the inevitable and kind of pissed me off but probably preserved some illusions I'm better carrying. Healthy illusions are rare, and you need to cultivate that shit when you find it.
So I doubled back about halfway and joined a perpendicular bike path. I passed this girl. This fabulous girl, more dignified than fuckoff, bleached blonde hair, poised smoking a cigarette in the most fuck you way with feet at 180 and eyebrows up to who knows where, on a skateboard. I immediately wanted to know her, even knowing that she would absolutely be annoying as fuck. What that says about me, I dunno. I rode this path until it curved and wended through parks and back alleys and industrial parking lots and all kinds of shit I didn't know bike paths did, and when the strange painted street direction ended, the immaculate curve of the city slung me around same as her feet and struck me home, directionless, from far with all the velocity of trying not to care.
I felt lonely and romantic and wistful tonight so I found a bike path that follows the train tracks (I'm on the wrong side, which is the right side) and ran that fucker till it ended. Taking careful stock of every mangled portal and potential portage through the fence 'cause ya know I'm in love with the downtown girls, and that is the great divide. I am one sorry turd right now, sorry. When the path ended I did chinups on the bar overhanging the last hole in the last fence, and looked for further passage, but there was nothing but black and fence you can't fuck with and even the across was boxcars from horizon to horizon which obstructed my view of the inevitable and kind of pissed me off but probably preserved some illusions I'm better carrying. Healthy illusions are rare, and you need to cultivate that shit when you find it.
So I doubled back about halfway and joined a perpendicular bike path. I passed this girl. This fabulous girl, more dignified than fuckoff, bleached blonde hair, poised smoking a cigarette in the most fuck you way with feet at 180 and eyebrows up to who knows where, on a skateboard. I immediately wanted to know her, even knowing that she would absolutely be annoying as fuck. What that says about me, I dunno. I rode this path until it curved and wended through parks and back alleys and industrial parking lots and all kinds of shit I didn't know bike paths did, and when the strange painted street direction ended, the immaculate curve of the city slung me around same as her feet and struck me home, directionless, from far with all the velocity of trying not to care.
If I sit still for even just a moment the flies begin to bite. The maggots begin to crawl. The passive aggression of life.
If I move just a little. Even just a little.
Maybe it's just a law of the universe that one thing cannot move free of opposition to another somehow. There is no escape.
If I move just a little. Even just a little.
Maybe it's just a law of the universe that one thing cannot move free of opposition to another somehow. There is no escape.