

PS- Fuck you, you fucking flakes.



Oh yeah, here's some shitty acoustic shit I did with the 4-track.

I'm thinking fuck Blogger. Give me an alley closer to home.

I'll come running to you, hey baby if you want me.

That is a solicitation.

The beginning.



When you are incapable of decision, is it better to opt for nothing at all? What if you truly, heartbreakingly love every option?

I suspect I'll get the nothing.

Two feet and a fucking heartbeat. If I'm lucky.

But I don't believe in luck. I think my suspicion system more closely resembles something like unrelenting negative karma. It's a thought-flaw I can't get around.

I cannot conceive of a scenario for the rest of my life. Maybe this is why, at times, I have been suicidal. It's never been depression (that would warrant another blog), and it's never been take-that-motherfuckers (that's what playing in bands is for), it's always been more like, "ABORT. ABORT. EJECT. EJECT."

Escape into nothing. How cornball is that?


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